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RCOG responds to the latest NHS annual staff survey

9 Apr 2024

Concerning data on sexual harassment included in NHS staff survey for the first time. 

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) welcomes the improved scores on important metrics related to workload and resources, staff wellbeing and burn out, and learning and development opportunities, in the latest NHS staff survey. Measures relating to workload and resource are now at or above pre-pandemic levels. 

However, while experiences of harassment, bullying or abuse have decreased, overall these scores remain concerning, showing too many NHS staff are still experiencing unacceptable behaviours from both service users and colleagues.

Included for the first time in the survey, 8.67% of respondents had experienced an incident of unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature from patients or other members of the public and 3.84% had experienced these behaviours from colleagues.

Dr Ranee Thakar, President of the RCOG, said: “While it is encouraging to see improvements in some important NHS staff survey metrics, the College is very concerned by the unacceptable levels of bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment, reported by staff.”

“The RCOG condemns all forms of sexual discrimination, harassment, and assault. Our members, at any career stage, are encouraged to report allegations of sexual harassment to their Trust and to seek confidential advice via our support services.”

“There is no place for these appalling behaviours in a modern health service and we must all play a role in building a zero tolerance culture. The College is committed to tackling sexual harassment, and encouraging civility and respect within our specialty, and will continue to seek ways we can support progress.”

Support for RCOG members can be found here:

  • Careers and workforce
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Fertility
  • Abortion
  • Menopause
  • Gynaecology