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Our Making Abortion Safe programme

The RCOG has a track record in setting standards for women’s health and professionalising sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. In Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan and Zimbabwe, we use that to work with healthcare professionals and SRHR champions on the Making Abortion Safe programme. This advocacy programme aims to improve women’s and girls’ access to quality and safe abortion, post-abortion care and/or post-abortion contraception, by addressing the barriers they face in these countries and beyond. Our work includes:

  • increasing access to free abortion and post-abortion care educational and professional resources, such as the Making Abortion Safe eLearning resources on abortion care, which have been co-created by our SRHR champions; and the Best Practice Papers on abortion care and post-abortion care
  • conducting research into the stigma experienced by abortion care providers and providing tools and guidance to support providers and professional societies to address this issue
  • advocating for improvements to abortion and post-abortion care access on national, regional and international levels – Making Abortion Safe is creating resources for healthcare professionals that can be used to shape or inform advocacy, including the Abortion Advocacy elearning resources for healthcare professionals and the RCOG and FSRH key messages on safe abortion
  • partnering with professional societies, NGOs, like-minded individuals and others who are working to ensure women and girls have access to safe abortion and/or post-abortion care.