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International Representative Committees (IRCs)

An International Representative Committee (IRC) is an overseas representative body of College members.

IRCs act as the liaison between members in their country and the College, by seeking their views and ensuring that the Committee represents all members’ professional and clinical interests.

IRC aims

  • Help foster a sense of belonging to the specialty and to the RCOG locally
  • Act as the liaison between members in that country/region and the College by seeking their views and ensuring that the Committee represents members’ professional and clinical interests
  • Undertake tasks on the College’s behalf so long as they are in the interest of the specialty of O&G; Committees may have the task of resolving difficulties arising between individuals or groups of members where particular knowledge of national circumstances is essential
  • Work alongside RCOG Liaison Groups, where they exist, or encourage their establishment
  • Encourage and support postgraduate training and postgraduate education in the specialty in that country/region, and development and adoption of best practice guidelines
  • Aid and support recruitment to the specialty
  • Select candidates for postgraduate training opportunities in the British Isles
  • Contribute to and facilitate the conduct of College exams when necessary
  • Work in partnership with the RCOG to strengthen health systems and develop better coordinated structures and standards to improve women’s health services
  • Maintain at all times the best possible relationship with local national societies, other colleges and institutions, universities, government etc.
  • Promote the RCOG’s advocacy agenda concerning women’s health by working with local governments and civil societies.
  • Committee members should be in active clinical practice and their principal appointment should be in that country or region. The number of elected committee members should be in rough proportion to the number of members within that country/region, aiming to keep the committee size between 6 and 10 people.
  • The members should nominate, from the College membership who are resident within the country or region, a Chairperson.
  • The Committees should meet at least 3 times a year. Attendance at meetings may be in person or via teleconference.
  • The Committee should conduct its business in a manner determined by the majority view of the Committee and decisions will be taken where necessary by the majority of votes, the Chair to have a casting vote.
  • The Committee shall have powers to co-opt any person with particular expertise pertinent to the Committee’s agenda (whether a Fellow/Member or not) to attend meetings. Co-opted members will not have any voting rights.
  • The term of office for each member will be 3 years.
  • Individuals moving away from a country/region must resign their position on the Representative Committee.
  • The Chair is responsible for producing an annual report of work achieved and key objectives for the year ahead.
  • All mass communications will go through the international membership team in order to comply with the UK Data Protection Act
  • International Council Representatives (ICRs) will be allocated responsibility for a geographical region. This individual will be responsible for attending at least one of the Representative Committee meetings in their region during their 3-year term of office. The International Council Representative for the region will be responsible for communicating with all Fellows and Members in their geographical region, keeping them informed of important Council decisions by distributing the Council précis and inviting feedback.
  • IRC chairs and the relevant ICR should regularly communicate with each other.
  • The Chair will make best efforts to attend an annual meeting of Representative Committee Chairs and RCOG Officers convened by the RCOG Membership department, to coincide with RCOG World Congresses.

IRC responsibilities

  • Help foster a sense of belonging to the specialty and to the RCOG locally
  • Act as the liaison between members in that country/region and the College by seeking their views and ensuring that the Committee represents members’ professional and clinical interests
  • Undertake tasks on the College’s behalf so long as they are in the interest of the specialty of O&G; Committees may have the task of resolving difficulties arising between individuals or groups of members where particular knowledge of national circumstances is essential
  • Work alongside RCOG Liaison Groups, where they exist, or encourage their establishment
  • Encourage and support postgraduate training and postgraduate education in the specialty in that country/region, and development and adoption of best practice guidelines
  • Aid and support recruitment to the specialty
  • Select candidates for postgraduate training opportunities in the British Isles
  • Contribute to and facilitate the conduct of College exams when necessary
  • Work in partnership with the RCOG to strengthen health systems and develop better coordinated structures and standards to improve women’s health services
  • Maintain at all times the best possible relationship with local national societies, other colleges and institutions, universities, government etc.
  • Promote the RCOG’s advocacy agenda concerning women’s health by working with local governments and civil societies.