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Specialty training

We’ve put together the following resources to guide prospective trainees through the process of speciality training. Get details on how the programme is structured, how you’ll be assessed and what certification you can expect at the end of your training.

O&G is a wide-ranging specialty with an extensive training programme. If you choose O&G, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for personal career development, both medical and surgical.

The full training programme for healthcare professions specialising in O&G takes a minimum of seven years to complete (UK), in addition to a two-year foundation programme. As part of the core training (ST1-7) there are three exams. These must be completed in order to progress through to being awarded a CCT and entered on the Specialist Register.

Introduction to specialty training in O&G

This guide will give you a detailed overview of the postgraduate training programme in O&G. You’ll find information on the structure of the core training and curriculum, as well as insights into the resources and mentoring you’ll be offered at each stage of training.

How specialty trainees in O&G are assessed

Here, you’ll be able to access a number of resources which will take you through all aspects of training assessment. Each module has specific targets, so make sure you know what you’re being assessed against using the RCOG training matrix and ePortfolio.

Certification of training & specialist registration

In this section, we’ll walk you through the three routes available to doctors wishing to be entered on the Specialist Register. Each of the three certifications – the CCT, CESR(CP), and CESR – will demonstrate your eligibility for a consultancy post in the NHS.

Elsewhere on the site

RCOG membership exams

MRCOG exams

Information on how to prepare for the Part 1 and Part 2 MRCOG 

Approved by the General Medical Council (GMC)


The complete specialty training curriculum for O&G – core, ultrasound, ATSMs, subspecialty and academic