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Guidance on using CPD ePortfolio

Guidance on how to access the CPD ePortfolio.

All participants in the RCOG CPD Programme receive access to the CPD ePortfolio, a mobile/tablet friendly online tool to record your Learning Events. The ePortfolio can capture reflection and outcomes of CPD, helps doctors plan their learning objectives for the forthcoming year and enables them to download customised output reports between dates of their choice.

Accessing the CPD ePortfolio

If you’re already registered on the RCOG’s CPD programme, access the CPD ePortfolio here. You will need to log on to the CPD ePortfolio with your College website login.

If you aren’t registered on our CPD programme and would like more information about how to register, and the benefits of participating, please visit the CPD registration page.

Using the CPD ePortfolio

CPD portfolio video guidance

Please note: We are currently working on updating the video guidance, and these videos are not available at the moment. We apologise for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.