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Congratulations on your retirement! Retired Fellows and Members of the College can read all about their membership benefits.

As a retired Fellow or Member you can stay connected to your College and enjoy the many activities and membership benefits on offer.

You can join the Retired Fellows and Members Society automatically as part of your retirement benefits. The Society’s bi-annual engaging and stimulating events are a great way to stay in touch with your colleagues and meet new retired peers from around the globe.

Range of opportunities

You can stay involved with your College through a range of voluntary opportunities and roles where you can continue to champion the profession, use your voice to share your knowledge and expertise and also support the new generation of obstetricians and gynaecologists.

Please contact us in writing by email: to confirm that you’ve retired from all forms of medical practice. We will then send you a cessation declaration form to update our records.

What benefits can you access?

As a retired Fellow or Member, you’ll continue to receive:

Bespoke communications

We will keep you up-to-date on important information from across the field of O&G, updates from our College Officers as well as news and upcoming events from the RCOG.

Council election notices

As RCOG’s most senior professional body, the Council is responsible for furthering and fulfilling the mission of the College. You can continue to be involved in the election process (UK Retired Fellows and Members only).

TOG (The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist) online

Online access to The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist peer-reviewed journal. Currently not available in hard copy format.

Discount on BJOG: International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Publication ­- Print format only

If you wish to continue to receive a print copy of BJOG at a RCOG discounted UK rate of £60 (international rates apply), please visit our partner publisher Wiley’s website to subscribe.

Discount on RCOG courses

Retired RCOG Fellows and Members are entitled to a 50% discount on the RCOG member rate registration fee. You are required to state that you are retired at the time of booking.

To qualify for the discount on courses, you must be registered as a retired member with the RCOG. To book your place on the course please contact the RCOG by calling +44 20 7772 6245 or emailing:

Discount on RCOG events

Discounts may apply on some events depending on the availability. Please contact for more information.

Access to College

You have access to the College’s facilities at Union Street such as the Members and Fellows Room, Library, Reading and quiet room, Heritage tours and Café.

Retired Fellows and Members Society

As a retired Fellow or Member, you’ll automatically join the Retired Fellows and Members Society (RFMS).

You will receive regular updates and invitations to the retired Fellows and Members Society twice-yearly hybrid events.

The next RFMS meeting will take place on Friday 28 March 2025. More details will be shared closer to the event.

If you are interested in becoming part of the RFMS Committee, who meet a few times a year (in-person and virtually), to discuss issues for retired Fellows and Members and help shape meeting programmes please contact  

RCOG heritage blog

Our archivist regularly updates a blog looking at the heritage of collection of both the RCOG and The Royal College of Midwives. The collections include information on all aspects of clinical obstetrics, gynaecology and midwifery, as well as education the history of the two College and the development of women’s health.

Obituaries of Fellows and Members

We publish obituaries and notices of deaths of RCOG Fellows and Members. If you wish to notify the College of a death or contribute an obituary, please reach out to the Membership team at
