We want your learning experience to be as effective and enjoyable as possible.
As well as regular bespoke communications to support you throughout your MRCOG journey, we’ve put together a range of revision resources to give you the best chance of passing the exam.

Becoming an RCOG Associate will give you access a comprehensive range of resources designed to support you throughout your exam journey. This is the perfect way to prepare for your upcoming exam and ongoing professional development.

To help you revise and to give you the best chance of passing your MRCOG Part 1 exam, we have created a new revision bundle that includes an exclusive discount on the full price of the resources when purchased separately.

Our Green-top Guidelines are a vital practical resource for all exam candidates. These papers inform the exam itself, so revising the guidelines will really help you understand what the exam questions are asking and how best to answer them.

The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (TOG) contains high-quality peer-reviewed articles on O&G that aim to inform your clinical practice. TOG questions can help you assess your knowledge and structure your revision for the MRCOG exam.

This page provides some example single best answer questions (SBAs) to help candidates prepare for the MRCOG Part 1.
This comprehensive reading list has been compiled by the MRCOG Part 1 Sub-committee, who are responsible for setting the official MRCOG Part 1 questions.
The RCOG works in partnership with Cambridge University Press to develop resources for MRCOG exam candidates. Registered trainees of are eligible for a 20% discount on all Cambridge University Press Academic titles.
Access all you need to know about the MRCOG Part 1 Capabilities in Practice (CiPs) and Knowledge Requirements featured in the MRCOG Syllabus Curriculum (2019).
Register with the RCOG
We encourage all our exam candidates to register with the College, this will open up access to a range of benefits that can support your preparation. See the Trainee registration options detailed below:
Trainees appointed to a type 1 StR post in the UK Registration is mandatory until you’ve passed the MRCOG Part 3. At this point, you’ll be eligible for the full Member’s benefit package. |
Trainees appointed to FTSTA posts A Trainee membership grants you access to the ePortfolio, our training and progression tool. We therefore strongly recommend that you register. |
International Trainees and candidates It’s highly recommended that you join the College as an RCOG Associate. The Trainee register isn’t available to our overseas candidates. |