This section provides a range of information about the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP), a formal assessment that determines whether you can progress to the next year of the specialty training programme.
Your ARCP documentation is an important component of authorisation that’s recorded as evidence for your Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT)
The Matrix of Educational Progression sets out the standards for progression through the specialty training programme in O&G.
In this section
For information on how to prepare for your ARCP, what to expect at the ARCP meeting and ARCP outcomes.
For information about how the training matrix is used to assess your progress at the ARCP.
For information on how to use the training matrix and ARCP to screen for potential future issues.

The complete specialty training curriculum for O&G – core, ultrasound, ATSMs, subspecialty and academic

MRCOG exams
Information on how to prepare for the Part 1 and Part 2 MRCOG