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Screening for future issues

How to use the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and the matrix of educational progression to screen for potential future issues.

How to use the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and the matrix of educational progression to screen for potential future issues.

The Matrix of Educational Progression is a useful objective tool to benchmark trainees. The table below provides guidance regarding the ARCP outcome for some of the standards, about which there is doubt within the Matrix of Educational Progression.

If a trainee receives an outcome 2 or 3 an educational plan should be set with Specific Measurable Achievable, Realistic and Timely (SMART) targets. The actual time frame should be determined by the original panel following senior local advice. Trainee progress should be assessed at a follow up ARCP.


Other specific guidance



Outcome 2

Outcome 3

Work based assessments

When the number of CBDs and minicex are sufficient but the quality or timing, or evidence of learning is of concern. Specifically trainees should be obtaining WBAs throughout the training year


When the number completed is below that noted in the matrix

For persistent inappropriate timing and quality (e.g. insufficient senior clinical input) of WBAs

Simulation training


Failure to complete 1 formative OSAT- basic laparoscopy skills

Reflective practice

Quality of reflective practice is poor.

For not completing the number of reflective practice forms as stated in the matrix or where the reflective practice shows ongoing lack of insight



Attendance at Deanery Teachings below the regional guidance. 

Failure to attend courses that are required to pass a Way Point (e.g. ALSO/Prompt before end of ST2).

Persistent failure to achieve attendance targets at regional teaching

Team Observation forms

Some concerns noted by ARCP panel. These are not major nor recurrent.

RCOG guidance for TO forms not followed

Major or recurrent issues noted

Recurrent failure to follow RCOG TO form guidance.


Non completion of TEF alone will not generate an adverse outcome at ARCP


Clinical Governance

Falls below the standard set out in the matrix

Persistently and significantly falls below matrix standard.

Teaching experience

Falls below the standard set out in the matrix

Persistently and significantly falls below matrix standard.

Leadership and management

Falls below the standard set out in the matrix

Persistently and significantly falls below matrix standard.

Presentations Publications

Falls below the standard set out in the matrix

Persistently and significantly falls below matrix standard.


If a ST2 trainee has evidence of formative training in MROP but lacks 3 summative assessments due to difficulty gaining exposure to these cases an outcome 2 should be give and progression into ST3 should not be delayed. Trainees should not however undertake MROP as ST3 without direct supervision until the competency is signed off with 3 summative OSATs in the usual way.

Trainees who fail to complete the intermediate module-ultrasound of normal fetal anatomy by the end of ST5 will be unable to commence the ATSM in fetal medicine. ARCP panels should then decide whether the trainee should select a different ATSM to commence in ST6 or whether an outcome 2 can be given to allow the trainee to progress into ST6 whilst focusing on completing the ultrasound module and then commencing the Fetal medicine ATSM no later than the start of ST7.This will require individualised judgement based on the likelihood  of the trainee completing the USS module and the choice of the 2nd ATSM in order to ensure 2 ATSMs are likely to be completed in ST6-7.



Manual removal of placenta (MROP)

  • If a trainee (ST2) has evidence of formative training in MROP but lacks 3 summative assessments due to difficulty in gaining exposure to these cases, an outcome 2 should be given and progression into ST3 should not be delayed
  • Trainees should not undertake MROP as ST3 without direct supervision until the competency is signed off with 3 summative OSATs

Fetal Medicine ATSM

  • Trainees who fail to complete the intermediate module-ultrasound of normal fetal anatomy by the end of ST5 will be unable to commence the ATSM in fetal medicine. ARCP panels should then decide whether the trainee should select a different ATSM to commence in ST6 or whether an outcome 2 can be given to allow the trainee to progress into ST6 whilst focusing on completing the ultrasound module and then commencing the Fetal medicine ATSM no later than the start of ST7.This will require individualised judgement based on the likelihood of the trainee completing the USS module and the choice of the 2nd ATSM in order to ensure 2 ATSMs are likely to be completed in ST6-7