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RCOG World Congress 2023 was a special occasion for the global O&G community to reconnect and collaborate, enhance knowledge and celebrate women’s health together. 

There were talks, debates and presentations from 135 speakers covering the entire spectrum of O&G, from inequalities in maternity care to the impact of climate change on women's health.

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Abstract winners

RCOG World Congress is an opportunity for individuals across all career stages in O&G to share their latest research and ideas, supporting our mission to improve women’s healthcare globally. 

The top 500 abstracts at #RCOG2023 were included in a special World Congress online supplement of BJOG.

To mark the end of our annual flagship event and celebrate their fantastic work, the top three abstract authors also had the opportunity to present to their global peers.

View all abstract winners and view the BJOG supplement

Meet some of our plenary speakers

News during #RCOG2023

During Congress we published a number of news items, blogs and articles related to activity at the event.

New toolkit released to tackle stigma experienced by abortion care providers
Our Making Abortion Safe programme (MAS) has released a new toolkit. The toolkit summarises the evidence base and identifies current practices and resources that could help reduce and manage the stigma which recent research undertaken by the MAS programme (RCOG 2021, unpublished) indicates is experienced globally by those working in abortion care.