Capability in Practice 10: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing emergencies in obstetrics.
This CiP is grouped under Professional Identity 3: Clinical Expert
Key Skills |
Descriptors |
Manages pain and bleeding in the obstetric person |
Manages concerns about fetal wellbeing prior to labour |
Manages suspected pre-term labour/ruptured membranes |
Manages labour |
Manages intrapartum fetal surveillance
Manages induction and augmentation of labour |
Manages emergency birth and immediate postpartum problems |
Manages maternal collapse and people who are acutely unwell in pregnancy |
Manages labour ward
Evidence to inform decision
- CbD
- Mini-CEX
- Reflective practice
- TO2 (including SO)
- Local and Deanery Teaching
- RCOG eLearning
- MRCOG Part 2
Mapping to GPCs
Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours
Domain 2: Professional skills
- Practical skills
- Communication and interpersonal skills
- Dealing with complexity and uncertainty
- Clinical skills (history taking, diagnosis and management, consent; humane interventions; prescribing medicines safely; using medical devices safely; infection control and communicable diseases)
Domain 3: Professional knowledge
- Professional requirements
- National legislative structure
- The health service and healthcare systems in the four countries
Domain 4: Capabilities in health promotion and illness prevention
Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and teamworking
Domain 6: Capabilities in patient safety and quality improvement
- Patient safety
- Quality improvement
Domain 7: Capabilities in safeguarding vulnerable groups