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Knowledge Area 3 Core surgical skills

Capability in practice (CiP)

  • 1: The doctor is able to apply medical knowledge, clinical skills and professional values for the provision of high-quality and safe patient-centred care
  • 6: The doctor takes an active role in helping self and others to develop
  • 9: The doctor is competent in recognising, assessing and managing emergencies in gynaecology and early pregnancy


Summary Knowledge Requirements


  • Demonstrate an understanding of the issues surrounding informed consent, including knowledge of complication rates, risks and likely success rates of different gynaecological operations, together with an understanding of diagnostic methods and treatment of complications
  • Demonstrate your familiarity with surgery by discussing the common operations together with common surgical instruments and sutures
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the basic surgical procedures in O&G, including diagnostic laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, gynaecological laparotomy for ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, hysterectomy and vaginal surgery for prolapse, incontinence and vaginal hysterectomy
  • Know the principles and procedures involved in more complex gynaecological surgery for cancer and endometriosis
  • Have good knowledge of the principles of safe surgery, surgical instruments and sutures and the management of common complications of surgery
  • Be aware of the principles of surgical teamworking, risk management and risk reduction


  • Legal issues around consent to surgical procedures, including consent of children, adults with incapacity and adults and children in emergency situations
  • Name and mode of use of common surgical instruments and sutures
  • Complications of surgery
  • Regional anatomy and histology
  • Commonly encountered infections, including an understanding of the principles of infection control
  • Knowledge of the NHS Improvement Programme Enhanced Recovery principles to enhance patient safety and optimise pre, intra and postoperative care
  • Principles of nutrition, water; electrolyte and acid base balance and cell biology.
  • Appropriate use of blood and blood products
  • General pathological principles
  • Knowledge of the NHS Improvement Programme Enhanced Recovery principles to enhance patient safety and ensure: patients are in the optimal condition for treatment, patients have different care during their operation, patients experience optimal post-operative rehabilitation
  • Legal issues around consent to surgical procedures, including consent of minors (and Fraser competency), adults with incapacity and adults and children in emergency situations.
  • Name and mode of use of common surgical instruments.
  • Knowledge of sutures and their appropriate use.
  • Prevention and complications of surgery including:
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Infection (wound, urinary tract, respiratory, intra-abdominal and pelvic)
  • Primary and secondary haemorrhage (intraoperative and postoperative).
  • Relevant clinical anatomy.
  • Relevant bones, joints, muscles, blood vessels, lymphatics, nerve supply and histology.
  • Characteristics, recognition, prevention, eradication and pathological effects of all commonly encountered bacteria, viruses, Rickettsia, fungi, protozoa, parasites and toxins, including an understanding of the principles of infection control.
  • Principles of nutrition, water, electrolyte and acid base balance and cell biology.
  • Knowledge and awareness of anaesthesia: general anaesthetic, conscious sedation, regional and local.
  • General pathological principles including general, tissue and cellular responses to trauma, infection, inflammation, therapeutic intervention (especially by the use of irradiation, cytotoxic drugs and hormones), disturbances in blood flow, loss of body fluids, hyperplasia and neoplasia.
  • Knowledge and awareness of use in complications of Diathermy and other energy sources
  • Knowledge of the NHS Improvement Programme Enhanced Recovery principles to enhance patient safety and ensure: patients are in the optimal condition for treatment, patients have different care during their operation, patients experience optimal post-operative rehabilitation
  • Relevant basic sciences
  • Knowledge of instruments and sutures


  • Demonstrate an understanding of the issues surrounding informed consent, including knowledge of complication rates, risks and likely success rates of different gynaecological operations, together with an understanding of diagnostic methods and treatment of complications
  • Demonstrate your familiarity with surgery by discussing the common operations together with common surgical instruments and sutures
  • Demonstrate detailed knowledge of the basic surgical procedures in O&G, including diagnostic laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, gynaecological laparotomy for ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, hysterectomy and vaginal surgery for prolapse, incontinence and vaginal hysterectomy
  • Know the principles and procedures involved in more complex gynaecological surgery for cancer and endometriosis
  • Have good knowledge of the principles of safe surgery, surgical instruments and sutures and the management of common complications of surgery
  • Be aware of the principles of surgical teamworking, risk management and risk reduction


Detailed Knowledge Requirements

  • Legal issues around consent to surgical procedures, including consent of children, adults with incapacity and adults and children in emergency situations
  • Name and mode of use of common surgical instruments and sutures
  • Complications of surgery
  • Regional anatomy and histology
  • Commonly encountered infections, including an understanding of the principles of infection control
  • Knowledge of the NHS Improvement Programme Enhanced Recovery principles to enhance patient safety and optimise pre, intra and postoperative care
  • Principles of nutrition, water; electrolyte and acid base balance and cell biology.
  • Appropriate use of blood and blood products
  • General pathological principles
  • Knowledge of the NHS Improvement Programme Enhanced Recovery principles to enhance patient safety and ensure: patients are in the optimal condition for treatment, patients have different care during their operation, patients experience optimal post-operative rehabilitation
  • Legal issues around consent to surgical procedures, including consent of minors (and Fraser competency), adults with incapacity and adults and children in emergency situations.
  • Name and mode of use of common surgical instruments.
  • Knowledge of sutures and their appropriate use.
  • Prevention and complications of surgery including:
  • Venous thromboembolism
  • Infection (wound, urinary tract, respiratory, intra-abdominal and pelvic)
  • Primary and secondary haemorrhage (intraoperative and postoperative).
  • Relevant clinical anatomy.
  • Relevant bones, joints, muscles, blood vessels, lymphatics, nerve supply and histology.
  • Characteristics, recognition, prevention, eradication and pathological effects of all commonly encountered bacteria, viruses, Rickettsia, fungi, protozoa, parasites and toxins, including an understanding of the principles of infection control.
  • Principles of nutrition, water, electrolyte and acid base balance and cell biology.
  • Knowledge and awareness of anaesthesia: general anaesthetic, conscious sedation, regional and local.
  • General pathological principles including general, tissue and cellular responses to trauma, infection, inflammation, therapeutic intervention (especially by the use of irradiation, cytotoxic drugs and hormones), disturbances in blood flow, loss of body fluids, hyperplasia and neoplasia.
  • Knowledge and awareness of use in complications of Diathermy and other energy sources
  • Knowledge of the NHS Improvement Programme Enhanced Recovery principles to enhance patient safety and ensure: patients are in the optimal condition for treatment, patients have different care during their operation, patients experience optimal post-operative rehabilitation
  • Relevant basic sciences
  • Knowledge of instruments and sutures