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The RCOG is committed to improving women’s health care, and helping you understand your health and wellbeing is an important part of our work. We also ensure women’s perspectives help guide our decision making.

The RCOG oversee the medical education, training and examination of obstetricians and gynaecologists in the UK. While our primary role is setting standards for education and practice, we also produce information for the public on the treatment and care of women.

A vital part of this process is asking the people for whom the information is designed – patients and the public – what they think. This helps make sure the information is suitable to their needs before it is published. Find out more about our process and the support we offer by browsing the following pages.

Public information leaflets

Our patient leaflets provide medical and health guidance on a wide range of issues and life events. These resources are based on up-to-date guidance for doctors and are written specifically for non-medical readers. Get the support you need on topics such as:

  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Gynaecology
  • Recovering after an operation