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On this page you will find information about opportunities to get involved in our work to support our membership and the O&G profession

The RCOG is committed to supporting the O&G workforce at all stages in their careers.

Our membership communities provide a focus for supporting RCOG Fellows, Members and Associates as they progress their careers and as part of the College. 

The RCOG Membership Board brings together representatives from the RCOG Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Executive Committees, the RCOG National Trainee Committee and the Retired Fellows and Members Society Committee to share information and ideas for improving engagement with members across all communities.

You can find out more about our committees here.

Current opportunities

SAS/LED Representatives | SAS and LED Committee

We are currently recruiting SAS and LED Representatives in the below regions:

  • London: North West
  • London: North East, Central
  • Thames Valley
  • West Midlands

Application deadline: Friday 27 September 2024

How volunteers contribute to our work

Our volunteers also provide vital expertise and contribute to supporting the O&G profession by:

  • Attending AAC panels as assessors for consultant interviews
  • Helping to review consultant job plans before they go to advert
  • Representing SAS and LE Doctors on our SAS and LED Committee
  • Joining working groups to support the production of RCOG Workforce reports

What our volunteers say

Stay informed

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