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Audit and Risk Committee

Audit and Risk meeting papers

There are no meeting papers available at this time.

Meeting dates

2024 (10.00am start)

  • Friday 26 January
  • Thursday 28 March
  • Friday 28 June
  • Friday 11 October


Reporting mechanism

The Audit and Risk Committee reports to the Board of Trustees.


The Committee has the following objectives:

  • To provide the Board of Trustees with an independent assessment of the College’s external audit and statutory annual accounts, with the objective of providing assurance of the quality and reliability of the published statements; and
  • To review/oversee the establishment and maintenance of effective systems of governance, risk management, internal controls, and an appropriately robust financial and legal framework, across the whole of the College’s activities, that support the achievement of the organisation’s objectives and strategic goals.



  • Mr Noah Franklin


  • Trustee Representative: Ms Leila Pilgrim
  • Members' Representative from Council: Dr Mausumi Das
  • Members’ Representative from Council: Mr William Parry-Smith
  • Independent Member: Dr Isabel Gouveia-Lima

In attendance

  • Chief Executive: Ms Kate Lancaster
  • External Auditor: Azets (a representative as required)