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British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD)

Who we are

The British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease (BSSVD) is a UK-based international society with over 260 members drawn from a range of specialties, including dermatology, gynaecology, genitourinary medicine, histopathology and sexual health.

We work closely with a number of patient groups including the Vulval Pain Society (VPS) and UK Lichen Planus (UKLP).

What we do

The Society has three main objectives:

  • The relief of patients suffering from vulval diseases
  • The promotion of research into the causes and treatment of vulval diseases with a view to the publication and dissemination of the results
  • The study and practice of the art and science of diagnosing and treating patients with vulval diseases

How we do this

The BSSVD holds meetings and events in the UK and elsewhere where members and other interested persons may discuss relevant issues. We promote the best management of vulval disease by members writing and publishing in medical journals and other publications and through lecturing at local and national meetings to both primary and secondary care practitioners. We also have a very close liaison with patient groups.

Contact us

President: Dr Susan Cooper

Chair: Dr David Nunns

Treasurer: Dr Ursula Winters

Secretary: Dr Christine Bates

