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Eardley Holland Medal

The Eardley Holland Medal is awarded once every five years to a Fellow or Member of the College for outstanding work in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology.

This may be awarded to a Fellow or the Member of the College for original work of outstanding merit in the sciences of obstetrics and gynaecology. The next award will be 2025.


This may include outstanding work as a practitioner or teacher of such sciences, or for the authorship of the literary work or works upon such sciences.

To date the medal has been awarded to:

  • 1960 Professor J C Moir
  • 1965 Professor C H G Macafee
  • 1970 Professor Ian Donald
  • 1975 Professor Sir Norman Jeffcoate
  • 1980 Sir Dugald Baird
  • 1985 Mr Patrick Steptoe
  • 1990 Professor Sir Alec Turnbull
  • 1995 Professor Sir Graham Liggins
  • 2000 Professor David Baird
  • 2005 Professor Robert Edwards
  • 2010 Professor Charles Rodeck
  • 2015 Professor Kypros Nicolaides
  • 2020 Professor Jane Norman


The prize for this award is a medal and the winner is invited to give a keynote lecture at the subsequent Annual Academic event.


The Eardley Holland Medal is awarded to RCOG Fellows and Members


Nominations will be welcomed from RCOG Fellows and Members only, for outstanding work in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology or for original work of outstanding merit in the sciences of obstetrics and gynaecology. This may include outstanding work as a practitioner or teacher of such sciences, or for the authorship of the literary work or works upon such sciences.

How to apply/nominate

Applications for this award will next open in 2025. Awards must be put forward on behalf of candidates by a nominator, nominators must be an RCOG Fellow or Member and candidates should not self-nominate.

An online application via the RCOG awards platform including the following information must be completed by the nominator:

  • Online nomination form
  • A brief of up to 400 words explaining why a candidate is worthy of the award.
  • A curriculum vitae (of up to four pages)
  • Two supporting references (RCOG Fellows and Members)
  • A full publication list and top ten publications