SAS Week is an opportunity to celebrate SAS doctors across all specialities, recognising their role in the NHS workforce.
Below you will find five case studies of SAS doctors working in obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G). These case studies celebrate SAS careers, raise awareness of the opportunities available to SAS doctors and communicate the importance of SAS doctors in the O&G workforce.
We have also included a case study of a doctor working as a locally employed doctor (LED). Whilst there are distinct differences between SAS and LE doctors, it is important that the contributions and achievements of LEDs are not excluded.
"As our VP for Membership and Workforce, and having been a SAS doctor myself for the last 30 years, I am delighted to see the RCOG celebrate national SAS Week by highlighting the wonderful diversity and valuable contribution that both SAS and LE doctors bring to our specialty."
- Laura Hipple, Vice President for Membership and Workforce

Find out more about Dr Laura Rylah. Laura began her career in O&G on the training programme before choosing to become a SAS doctor.

Find out more about associate specialist Dr Laura Hipple, the first SAS doctor to become a Vice President of any Medical Royal College, and the new specialist contracts designed for senior SAS doctors to progress into.

Find out more about Dr Eman Toeima and the wide range of roles and developmental opportunities available to SAS doctors.

Find out more about Dr Mike Togobo’s journey to becoming a SAS doctor and the support networks that are available to this workforce.

Find out more about the differences between SAS and locally employed doctors (LEDs) and the opportunities available to both.

RCOG Membership
We work to support obstetricians and gynaecologists at a local, national, and international level in our mission to improve the health of women and girls. Find out how you can become part of our membership and the benefits that come with it.