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Guidance for doctors

Most MTI placements arranged by the RCOG are successful with doctors and hospitals enjoying the mutual benefits of the scheme. However, not uncommonly, some doctors may experience issues within their placement which need to be addressed to ensure the placement progresses well for both parties. If you start to experience some issues within your placement the RCOG can offer pastoral support and guidance.

Problems settling into life in the UK and working in the NHS

Many MTI doctors find the first couple of months of their placement a challenge. You are acclimatising to a new culture, language, customs and place of work all at the same time. For many doctors, this anxious time passes as they become accustomed to life in the UK. However, if you find you are struggling to settle into your new life, we recommend that you read the RCOG MTI Booklet for New Starters which will offer advice, support and contact details for useful organisations.

What to do if you experience ongoing issues at work

If there are outstanding problems and issues that you encounter at work, you can speak to us in confidence and we strongly advise that you get in touch with the RCOG MTI Lead on  at the earliest opportunity.

At the same time, speak to your Educational Supervisor and College Tutor about the difficulties you are facing – they may be able to help if they know what is bothering you.

We may arrange to call you or have meeting with you to discuss your difficulties, depending on the nature of the problem.

If there is a need to escalate the case, we will contact the College Tutor at your hospital with your consent.

If the issue cannot be resolved

In rare circumstances, it may not be possible to resolve an issue which may lead to your placement being terminated. This may mean moving to a different hospital (depending on the nature of the issue) or it may mean you have to leave the UK. The RCOG will communicate with you and the hospital transparently to ensure each party is fully aware of the nature of the situation should this eventuality occur.

Important information

The RCOG has the duty to provide MTI doctors with pastoral support but cannot be involved in any communication between a doctor and a hospital regarding any contractual and/or legal aspects of the MTI doctor’s placement. This must be between the hospital and the doctor as the employer and employee and does not come under the responsibility or capacity of the RCOG.
