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Recent advances in maternal medicine


Date: Tuesday 12 September 2023

This webinar aims to provide valuable insights and updates in the field of maternal care. Maternal medicine encompasses a specialised area of clinical practice within obstetrics and gynaecology, focusing on the health and well-being of pregnant women before, during, and after childbirth.

Hosted by the RCOG in collaboration with experts from the maternal medicine field, this webinar seeks to address common challenges and frequently asked questions that arise in maternal care. Topics that will be explored include managing high-risk pregnancies, optimizing maternal health through various stages of pregnancy, addressing medical conditions during pregnancy, and advancements in prenatal diagnostic techniques.

Ensuring that healthcare professionals are well-informed about the latest developments in maternal medicine is essential to providing comprehensive and effective care to expectant mothers. By bringing together leading experts in the field, the webinar aims to equip obstetricians and gynaecologists with the knowledge and tools needed to offer the best possible care to pregnant women, ultimately contributing to the well-being of both mothers and their babies.

Key reasons to attend

  • Listen to experts on this important speciality in obstetrics
  • Understand the causes and complications of hyperemesis gravidarum, cardiac disease in pregnancy as well as sepsis in pregnancy.
  • Understand evidence-based obstetric and interventions to improveĀ  maternal and perinatal outcomes
  • Updates and future developments about clinical networks and research in some maternal medicine topics
  • Interactive panel discussion session with experts

Who should attend?

  • All clinicians in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Maternal medicine and high risk midwives, Early pregnancy midwives and nurses
  • Obstetric physicians
  • Emergency department specialists
  • General practitioners
  • Healthcare workers
  • Midwives
  • Neonatologists
  • Obstetric anaesthetists
  • Service users
  • Trainees

Contact us

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