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Workplace Behaviours Champion: job description

Workplace Behaviours Champions act as a local (regional) point of contact for Obstetric and Gynaecology trainees for advice and support in relation to matters of unacceptable workplace behaviour. 

Each deanery/school/LETB is to appoint minimum of one champion depending on size and need within the school.

Roles and responsibilities

  • Act as a local (regional) point of contact for Obstetric and Gynaecology trainees for advice and support in relation to matters of unacceptable workplace behaviour
  • Champions may also be approached by career grade doctors and consultants and may feel happy to be a source of advise and expertise but their primary focus is doctors in training
  • Work alongside the Deanery (or equivalent) Professional Support structures in order to access resources and support for trainees where relevant, and provide support/supervision to the post holder
  • Contribute to RCOG reports through the Head of School on results and actions arising from the GMC trainee survey or RCOG training evaluation forms
  • In order to demonstrate objectivity and externality from the trainee assessment process, the appointed individual(s) should normally have no formal educational role at School Board / LETB level (including having no direct role on ARCP panels) however they will be accountable to the Head of School and report regularly to the school board on activity
  • Contribute to the RCOG Workplace Behaviours Advisory Network and attend meetings where able (usually twice per year)

Person specification

Essential characteristics

  • Fellow or Member of RCOG or other Medical Royal College
  • Excellent communications skills - listening, empathy, able to negotiate, need for confidentiality, etc
  • Experience of Educational Supervision
  • Experience in an educational support role
  • Knowledge of professional and social support available to staff, e.g. Human Resources, confidential Employee Advice Service, Deanery support structures
  • Experience of dealing with undermining or bullying behaviours
  • Ability to develop and implement effective local solutions to address issues identified
  • Ability to provide regular reports on activity to the Head of School

Desirable characteristics

  • Experience in educational or management role, e.g. in one of the following roles:
    • Clinical Tutor
    • Training Programme Director
    • Head of School
    • Clinical Lead
    • Coach or Mentor
    • Member of Professional Advisory Panel
    • Member of Fitness to Practise Panel


  • Locally based Workplace Behaviours Champions will be appointed by the Head of School. RCOG recommends that the selection panel should include as a minimum:
    • Head of School or nominated deputy
    • Chair of local Trainees’ Committee or nominated deputy
    • Lay representative (Appointed by Deanery)
  • It is expected that the Champion would operate outside of the formal School processes, i.e. they would not normally be an educational member of the School Board. This will ensure objectivity and avoid conflicts of interest when called upon to deal with allegations of unacceptable workplace behaviour.
  • The Champion would be sufficiently senior that they would have access to the senior management level within their employing organisation – Medical Director, Director of Human Resources, Chief Executive or Non-executive Directors and Postgraduate Dean/ senior management team of the LETB.
  • There is no agreement for pa allocation unless Deans choose to ratify and expand the role. Travel expenses to RCOG network meetings will be subject to local agreement (via the school/Deanery/LETB or employing Trust).