Summary for assessing readiness to practice
Confirming your return date
- If taking a leave of absence for ill health, contact GP or specialist first
- Arrange appointment with Occupational Health to discuss adjustments to workload (e.g. reduced hours, no nights / on-calls) if needed
- Contact Educational Supervisor before start date to arrange Return to Work meeting (meeting should take place 6-8 weeks before return)
- Discuss specific learning needs
- Agree on a period of supervision, targets to be met and workplace based assessments (WPBAs) and record discussion on first part of Return to Work form (Word document 22kb)*
- Agree timing for review meeting to assess progress
Preparation for return
- Arrange KIT days**
- Attend Return to Work course
- Attend additional refresher courses, e.g. PROMPT
- Refresh knowledge through previous notes / e-learning
On return to work
- Arrange to meet with Educational Supervisor for Return to Work appraisal
- Arrange to meet Educational Supervisor after period of supervision
- Review need to extend period of supervision or,
- Mutually agree readiness to return to usual clinical duties and complete Return to Work form (Word document 22kb)*
- Send to TPD and upload copy to E-portfolio
*Or local deanery equivalent paperwork
**May wish to use KIT days in the weeks preceding return date to guarantee period of supervision / being supernumerary.