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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees papers

Members of the Board of Trustees can download meeting papers in your dashboard at the top right of the screen (please note you will need to be signed into the website).

Meeting dates

The Board of Trustees meets quarterly.


With effect from 3 June 2013, the newly established Board of Trustees took over responsibility for the financial, business and legal aspects of the College as a charitable business. The Board of Trustees has final responsibility for the financial, legal and business operations of RCOG and gives authority to the Chief Executive and the executive team to manage the day-to-day affairs of the College.

The Board comprises ten Trustees. There are six O&G Trustees on the Board:

  • President
  • Senior Vice President
  • A Vice President
  • A Member or Fellow elected from Council
  • 2 Members or Fellows of the College in active practice, appointed by interview

There are four independent members on the Board of Trustees, who are appointed by interview, two of whom will demonstrate experience in women’s wellbeing.

The College is governed by a Royal Charter from which are derived the College Regulations, which guide the governance, management and business arrangements of the RCOG.



  • Baroness Tessa Blackstone (Chair)
  • President: Ranee Thakar
  • Senior Vice President: Hassan Shehata
  • Vice President: Geeta Kumar
  • RCOG Fellow: Steve Thornton
  • RCOG Member: John Heathcote
  • RCOG Council Representative: Alastair Campbell
  • Trustee: Leila Pilgrim
  • Trustee: Roy Clarke
  • Trustee: Noah Franklin