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Notices of deaths of Fellows and Members

The College has been informed of the deaths of the following Fellows and Members in the past 12 months.

We also publish obituaries of RCOG Fellows and Members.

To inform the RCOG of the death of a Fellow or Member, please email the Membership team at .

Name College informed

Dr Hugh Thelwall-Jones FRCOG

June 2024

Dr Richard Norman Porter FRCOG 

May 2024

Mr Martin McDougall Usherwood FRCOG

May 2024

Professor Vimala Isaac FRCOG 

May 2024

Mrs Shona Hamilton Towers FRCOG

April 2024

Dr Bhavin Raval MRCOG 

April 2024

Dr Ubaka Gregory Ofili FRCOG

April 2024

Mr Jonathan Martin Frappell FRCOG

April 2024

Professor George Durand Malkasian FRCOG

April 2024

Mr David Alun Rees FRCOG

April 2024

Dr Rudra Bahan Chatterjee FRCOG

April 2024

Dr Sanat Kumar Mandal FRCOG

February 2024

Sir Eric Jackson Thomas FRCOG

February 2024

Professor Mahmoud Fahmy Fathalla

February 2024

Mr Lawrence Joslin Mascarenhas

February 2024

Mr Alan Fennell Bushby

February 2024

Dr Cecil Hammond Inglis

February 2024

Dr Richard Allan Speed

February 2024

Dr Gillian Gibson Matthews

February 2024

Dr Therese Hannon

February 2024

Mohamed Rabeih Mohamed  El Ghorori FRCOG

November 2023

Professor Linda Dolores Cardozo FRCOG 

September 2023

Dr Maurice John Hynes FRCOG 

August 2023
Dr Hassan Abdellatif Hassan Youssef July 2023
Mr Robert Glyndwr Walker FRCOG July 2023
Mr James Douglas Ellis FRCOG July 2023
Professor Nimi Dimkpa Briggs FRCOG July 2023
Mr Yusuf Abrahams FRCOG June 2023
Mr Stephen Derek Quinn FRCOG May 2023
Dr Theodore Komla Agble FRCOG April 2023
Dr Nicola Gail Mitchell-Jones MRCOG April 2023