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President election 2022

New RCOG President elected

Dr Ranee Thakar has been announced as the RCOG President-Elect, following the close of the President election ballot on Tuesday 7 June. 

The new President was elected by a ballot of Fellows and Members in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Voting took place over a 4-week period, which commenced on Monday 9 May.

Dr Thakar will take office in December of this year and will serve a three-year term as President. Learn more about Dr Thakar's plans for her Presidency.

The role of the President

The President is the chair of the College’s Council, an ambassador for the global community of obstetricians and gynaecologists (O&G), and a professional leader for the specialty.

Through the office of President, clinicians of outstanding calibre have supported the College’s work from a unique vantage, contributing their own expertise to help maintain the College’s standards of clinical excellence.

As the Council’s elected lead, the President ensures that the College’s long-term priorities are firmly aligned with its core mission: to advance the science and practice of O&G and champion women’s health.

The President acts as a representative of the College’s international membership, which numbers around 16,000 members worldwide. As a public ambassador and spokesperson for the College, the President plays a vital role in strengthening the organisation’s influence on the global stage.

Over a three-year term, commencing in late 2022, the new President-Elect will support the College to achieve its ambitious five-year strategy, work with beneficiaries in the UK and globally, and deliver its strategic goals for 2020-25.


February 2022

Wednesday 16 February

Nominations for President election open

March 2022

Monday 21 March

Nominations close

April 2022

Wednesday 6 April

Nominees confirmed

Friday 29 April

Launch of online candidate profiles

May 2022

Wednesday 4 May

Virtual / live Q&A

Monday 9 May

Voting opens

June 2022

Tuesday 7 June

Voting closes

Thursday 9 June

Declaration of result

December 2022

Friday 9 December

Commence in post

Election process

Presidential candidates were nominated by RCOG Members and Fellows in February-March of this year.

All candidates took part in a live Q&A session on Wednesday 4 May, which was broadcast to the wider electorate.

The President was elected by eligible Fellows and Members in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Voting took place in May-June and was carried out via an online ballot, using the Single Transferable Voting system.

Further information about the College’s electoral system is available in the RCOG Regulations.

Frequently asked questions

In line with College Regulations, candidates for the role of President must meet the following criteria to be eligible to stand for election:

  • To be a Fellow of the College in active practice* throughout the entire election period, who has been, or is currently, a voting member of RCOG Council
  • To be up to date with their membership subscription
  • To have been nominated by three Fellows or Members (all of whom must also be up to date with their membership subscription)

As an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees, the President must meet additional criteria for Trustees, which are outlined in the Declaration of Interests & Good Standing in the candidate pack.

*For an explanation of the term ‘active practice’, please see below.

Voting for the College President is now closed.

The College President is elected by a ballot of Fellows and Members in the UK and Republic of Ireland.

According to College Regulations, the Presidential electorate constitutes Fellows and Members (including retired) who:

  • Hold or have held in the UK or the Republic of Ireland their main or principal university or hospital appointment OR
  • (In default of holding any such appointment) practise as a medical practitioner in the UK or the Republic of Ireland in obstetrics and/or gynaecology OR
  • (If they have retired) reside in the UK or the Republic of Ireland; AND
  • (Unless retired) are not in arrears with their subscriptions to the College.

This excludes Trainees who are not yet members, Affiliates, Associates, and Honorary Fellows (including Fellows ad eundem and Fellows honoris causa), who are not eligible to vote in the election.

Voting for the College President has now closed.

Instructions on voting were circulated to all UK/ROI Members and Fellows via email or post, and information on all candidates was made available to voters via the election website.

All RCOG Members and Fellows (including those retired) who practice mainly in the UK or the Republic of Ireland are eligible to vote in the College’s Presidential election, providing they are up to date with their membership subscription.

Please note that RCOG Trainees, Affiliates, Associates, and Honorary Fellows (including Fellows ad eundem and Fellows honoris causa) are not eligible to vote

College Regulations state that a person will only be eligible to be elected as President if she or he is in active practice throughout the election period. Regulation 1.1 defines “Active Practice”, in respect of a Fellow or Member, by the following criteria:

  1. Has a valid licence to practise as a medical practitioner from the UK General Medical Council or the Medical Council of Ireland (or any statutory successor to such bodies); and
  2. Is engaged as a medical practitioner in the UK or the Republic of Ireland in the practice of obstetrics and/or gynaecology for which a licence to practice is required in terms of (i) above; and
  3. Is not in arrears with her or his subscription to the College.

In addition, a person will only be eligible to be elected as the President if she or he is a Fellow who has been a voting member of the Council at any time prior to the date of her or his nomination.

The newly elected President will assume office at a meeting of Council held in December 2022.

The President will hold office for a term of three years (as defined in Regulation 10.24), at the end of which she or he shall retire.

Council members are entitled to stand for re-election to Council and election as President in the same year, providing that a) they fulfil the Presidential nominee criteria detailed in the candidate pack, and b) they are within the scope of the following Regulations 8.1 and 8.2, at the time of nomination for Council:

8.1 Each Elected member, who is a Member, shall hold office for a term of four years from the date she or he takes office, at the end of which she or he shall retire and shall only be eligible for re-election as an elected member if she or he becomes a Fellow.

8.2 Each Elected member, who is a Fellow, shall hold office for a term of three years, from the date she or he takes office, at the end of which she or he shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election as an elected member for one further term of three years.

However, if an elected member of Council is elected to any Officer post, her or his place as an elected member of Council will be deemed to be vacant in line with College Regulations.