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RCOG Research

RCOG Research was formerly known as the Research Committee.


RCOG Research’s objectives are to promote the College’s women’s health research agenda by engaging with funders, researchers, clinicians, and other stakeholders.

It has a key role in supporting the submission of research ideas and maintaining links with funders of research.

RCOG Research has three domains:

1. Research Priority

  • Engages with Specialist Societies and legacy CSGs
  • Communicates with the societies and works with them to facilitate submitting PICOs to funders where appropriate

2. Research Engagement and Training

  • Lead the engagement of RCOG Research with the key funders of research
  • Works to help match PICOs with the appropriate funder

3. Research Delivery and Capacity

  • This role works to engage with the NIHR Reproductive Health Speciality, recognising the NIHR’s crucial role in the funding of both research and research infrastructure 

Meeting dates


  • Friday 12 July
  • Friday 11 October

Reporting mechanism

RCOG Research reports to the Academic Board.


Please send all communications to the committee secretary.


Email: skenton-o’
Tel: +44 20 7772 6311


  • Swati Jha- Chair
  • Hajra Khattak- UKARGOC Chair
  • Nigel Simpson- Research Delivery Lead
  • Pensee Wu- Research Engagement Lead
  • Sarah Milosevic- Women’s Network Representative
  • Daniel Wolstenholme- Director, Clinical Quality