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ASMs: Advanced Skills Modules | Curriculum 2019

This section is relevant to trainees following the Subspecialty Curriculum 2019 and will remain in effect until August 2026. For those on the 2024 curriculum, please refer to the 2024 subspecialty curriculum.

ASMs overview overview and guidance

The Advanced Skills Modules (ASMs) are concise modules which concentrate on a specific area of clinical practice.

To support trainees through their advanced training, we provide comprehensive resources and guidance documents. These documents ensure that trainees have access to all necessary information and support materials.

Key resources:

ASM in Safe Practice in Abortion Care

This ASM replaces the Abortion Care ATSM.

The ASM will prepare you to provide abortion care based upon best practice and covers medical and surgical methods of termination up to 23+6 weeks’ gestation. The surgical skills, however, may be undertaken to one of three thresholds: 13+6 weeks, 18+6 weeks or 23+6 weeks.

  • The application process for the 13+6 and 18+6 weeks threshold follows the ATSM application process. The module can be undertaken by NTN holders, non-training grades and consultants.
  • For the 23+6 weeks gestation threshold, a national recruitment process will be introduced and further information will be available here once the process has been determined.

This ASM can be undertaken by NTN holders (ST6 and above) in advanced training, non-training grades and post-CCT holders.

ASM completion

Once you have completed your ASM and all components have been completed to the satisfaction of your Preceptor and Educational Supervisor, please follow the below steps for completion.

  1. Download the ASM completion form
  2. Complete and sign the form
  3. Obtain required approvals from:
    • Educational Supervisor
    • Preceptor
    • SITM Director (previously known as ATSM Director)
  4. Send the completed form to who will issue your completion certificate.

It is important to note your ASM must be completed by 7 August 2026, at which point the ASMs will be decommissioned. Please refer to our 2024 curriculum implementation and transition plan for further information.
