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Labour Ward Solutions (Good Practice No. 10)


This document is aimed mainly at those responsible for implementing the RCOG and Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) maternity standards. It highlights the many challenges and issues that arise from the process of expanding consultant presence on the labour ward and presents facts, helpful tips and potential pitfalls that may be encountered by those responsible for implementing changes.

In addition to the full document, you can download the sample rota from page 9 in A3 format (PDF, 962 kb).

COVID disclaimer

This Good Practice Paper was developed prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Version history

This is the first edition of this paper.

Please note that the Patient Safety Committee regularly assesses the need to update. Further information on this review is available on request.

Developer declaration of interests

Available on request.

This page was last reviewed 26 January 2010.