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Reforming Abortion Law Position Statement

13 Jun 2023

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, in partnership with 32 other organisations, has today published a new position statement on reforming the abortion law in England and Wales. The position statement sets out our principles for reforming current abortion law and our priorities for reform.

One in three British women will have an abortion in their lifetime. Like nearly 90% of the country, we believe in a woman’s right to choose. We believe that no woman should ever face the threat of jail for seeking to end her own pregnancy, and that the right person to make a deeply personal decision about abortion is the woman herself with the support of her medical team.

Abortion law in England and Wales is the oldest healthcare law in existence at more than 50 years old. When the Abortion Act was passed, it placed England and Wales at the forefront of global and European efforts to protect women's health. But as law and practice around the world developed, our law fell behind. England and Wales are no longer at the vanguard of women’s health and rights.

Now is the time to deliver on the promise of a modern abortion law fit for women in England and Wales.

Notes to editors

  • Policy and governance
  • Abortion